Adult Literacy
The Center for the Study of Adult Literacy contains plenty of resources around this topic on their website. In addition to the general resources, they have a library containing 1,600 web-based readings that are organized into the three categories of Easier, Medium, and Harder to help access topics such as jobs, money, health, social studies, sciences, and other life skills. All have been reviewed to make sure they are the proper reading level.
Click here to view their website:
Click here to view their library:
Southwest Adult Basic Education has a mission to provide adults with educational opportunities to acquire and improve their literacy skills necessary to be self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members, and citizens.
Click here for more information:
Reading Skills for Today’s Adults contains stories by reading level, along with the audio versions of the stories, questions for determining reading comprehension, and links to print PDF versions of the stories and questions for offline use.
Click here for more information:
Reading Skills for Healthcare Workers contains stories geared around healthcare and medical information. While it is likely aimed towards non-native English speakers, it makes a wonderful resource for native English speakers as well.
Click here for more information:
Learning Chocolate is a vocabulary builder tool aimed for younger readers, but has application towards beginning adult readers too. It organizes words thematically with illustrations and audio links for every word, along with basic online activities and games to help increase comprehension.
Click here for more information:
Transparent Language Online is a flexible program that provides the most comprehensive language-learning solutions for libraries. Quickly learn using the variety of courses and activities.
Click here to visit the website:
The NYS Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) is a free service for upstate residents who are unable to use standard print materials due to visual, physical, and reading impairments and disabilities. The TBBL collection includes fiction and non-fiction audio and print braille books, as well as a subscription to over 70 magazines!
Click here view their website:
Click here to apply for their services:
NYS Emergency Rental Assistance
The New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will provide significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance.
Click here for more information:
Office for Victims of Crime
The Office for Victims of Crime provides help to those who need help with crime victim compensation and contact information for victim assistance programs.
Click here for more information:
Seniors is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by compiling comprehensive research, the latest studies, and real-world insight from experts, caregivers, and seniors into easy-to-understand, actionable guides and resources.
Click here for more information:
To find Assisted Living near you, click here:
Advice when it comes to aging and drive, click the following link:
Advice and information on how to deal with your family and the Fentanyl crisis happening in our current day, click the following link:
The US Department of Veterans Affairs aims to help from the moment you are transitioning from the military and continue to do so throughout your civilian life. Mental health is a top priority for them!
Click here for to view the site:
Veteran Training for things such as sleeping problems, anger management, problem-solving skills, parenting, and more are offered as well.
Click here to view the training part of their site:
The Veterans Crisis Line is a 24/7 service for Veterans and their loved ones. Get connected to a real person who is qualified to support Veterans.
Click here to go to their website:
Make the Connection is a site that has hundreds of stories from Veterans about their experiences on a variety of topics. They share their stories for others to listen to and know they are not alone in what they are going through.
Click here to view their site: