- NYS Homeschool Regulations
- NYS Department of Education
- Special Education Services for Homeschool Students
- Step-by-step How to Comply with NYS Homeschool Regulations
- Home School Legal Defense (HSLDA)
- Homeschool materials in the Four County Library System
- Additionally, our fellow system member the Unadilla Library has a variety of books that are geared towards people who are homeschooling! The books cover all kinds of subjects, so do check them out if you have time. Here’s their Website and their Facebook.
- Check out our virtual and in-person programs on our Facebook page!
- Click here for some great curriculum ideas.
- Are you putting together unit studies for your homeschool curriculum. Let us help you. Use our Book Bundles service and we can collect the materials for you. We will give you a call when your bundle is ready and you can make an appointment to pick the bundle up.